
Certificate In Office Maintenance
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Certificate In Office Maintenance (COM)
Certificate In Office Maintenance (COM)

Office Maintenance

Course Duration : 6 Month
Sl No. Subject Paper
01 Fundamental (CF) History and Computer
Generations of Computer.
Advantage and disadvantage of Computer Block Diagram of a Computer.
Introduction of Different parts of a Computer.
System Software and Application Software.
Identification of Different parts of a Computer System.
02 Win¬dows
03 Basic Hardware
04 Internet and Basic Cyber Security. History of the Internet
What is Arpanet.
What is Internet
What is Website
What isISP
What is Get Way
What is Modem
What is networking
What is webpage
What is web content
What is Web Address(.com,.in,.org,.ind.in,.edu,.gov.in,ect)
What is Web Search Engine, What is Eletronics Mail(email) incl. Sending & Receiving
About Social Networking Sites
VIRUS (Vital Imformation Resources Under Seize)
Internet Banking
05 Microsoft office Word. Introduction of MS Word
Project report
Ready for I-card print
Cover page creating
Editing and formatting text and paragraph
Working with column
Inserting bullets & hyperlink
Checking spelling & grammar
Creating Mail marge
06 Microsoft office excel. Introduction of MS Excel
Past Function, ID Card creating
Editing and formatting document
Creating hyperlink
Working with different function
Create sorting
Inserting chart etc.
07 Power Point Introduction of MS Power point
Animation slide creating
Selecting Slide
Inserting Slide
Creating project

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Educomtech Computer Academy
Educomtech Computer Academy
Educomtech Computer Academy
Educomtech Computer Academy