
Diploma In Hardware & Networking
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Diploma in Hardware & Networking
Diploma In Hardware & Networking (DHN)

Diploma in Hardware and Networking Technology is Diploma level Information Technology course. Their technical skills include the ability to construct a computer from scratch as well as the implementation.

The Diploma in networking program prepares students as network specialists in the field of information and networking technology through the study of related and relevant networking concepts, with practice on its various aspects like hardware, operating system, security and management.

Course Duration : 8 Month
Sl No. Subject Paper
01 Fundamental (CF) History and Computer
Generations of Computer.
Advantage and disadvantage of Computer Block Diagram of a Computer.
Introduction of Different parts of a Computer.
System Software and Application Software.
Identification of Different parts of a Computer System.
02 Win-dows
03 Basic Hardware
04 Concept of Internet Architecture of Internet. DNS Server. Internet Access Techniques, ISPs and examples (Broadband/Dialup/Wi-Fi).
05 Troubleshooting Setting up basic protection using public keys and MAC address filters. Integrate wired with wireless network. Power over Ethernet (PoE). Troubleshooting wired and wireless.
06 Computer Hardware Identification Computer Hardware
Internal Computer Hardware Components
External Hardware Components
Hardware Virtualization
07 Internet and Basic Cyber Security. History of the Internet
What is Arpane,
What is Internet
What is Website
What is ISP
What is Get Way
What is Modem
What is networking
What is webpage
What is web content
What is Web Address(.com,.in,.org,.ind.in,.edu,.gov.in,ect)
What is Web Search Engine,
What is Eletronics Mail(email) incl. Sending & Receiving
About Social Networking Sites
VIRUS (Vital Imformation Resources Under Seize)
Internet Banking.
08 Basic Electronics. Punctuality and Discipline expected of trainees
About the institute and infrastructure.
Concept of current and voltage. AC, DC Supply indicating lamps. Different types of Fuses and their applications. Different types of connectors used in electrical and electronic applications.
Measuring instruments, MC, MI type, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Multi meter for measuring voltage and current.
Digital Multi meter.
Meaning of resistance, continuity and continuity testers. Multi meter for checking continuity.
Concept of Power and measurement using V&I meter and Power meter.
09 Digital Electronics. Classification of digital IC's. Use of data book for identification of digital IC's.
Basic LOGIC GATES and truth table. Boolean algebra.
Logic families, logic levels, propagation delay. Multiple input gates.
XOR, XNOR gates and application.
Simplification of Boolean equations.
Combinational logic circuits. • Identify the specifications of given digital IC's referring to data books.
Verify the truth table of two input OR, NOR, AND, NAND, NOT gates.
Realization of different gate type using NAND gates.
Verification of Boolean laws.
10 Compo¬nent level. SMPS, H.D.D, D.V.D, Mother Board, Processor Mounting, Card Mounting, Jumper Settings, Key Board, Mouse.
BIOS Setup and BIOS update.
Partitioning &Formatting
OS Installation – Windows 10, 7, 8
Disk Partitioning & Removing with Windows
Duel Booting
Driver Installation
Software Installation
Batch file, info file, io file Crating
Troubleshoot¬ing of RAM, Motherboard, HDD, SMPS, Monitor, Processor, Etc.
Project of Assembling and Networking full setup.
11 Basic Networking
12 Setting up different Network. IP Addressing and TCP/IP • Protocols, TCP/IP, FTP, Telnet etc., Theory on Setting IP Address (IP4/IP6) and Subnet Mask, Classes of IP Addressing • IP addressing technique (IP4/IP6) and Sub-netting and Super-netting the network.
Networking-Modem, Network & Configuration, Sharing Drives on a network,
Internet connection sharing, Folder , Drive, Printer Sharing,
Peer to peer network, RJ-45 wire numbering & Crimping, OSI Layers, Overview on Network
Topology, Bus Topology, Star Topology, Ring Topology, Mesh Topology, Hybrid Star Network & Class Network, BRIDGES, SWITCH etc.
Collaborating using wired and wireless networks, Protecting a Network,
Network performance study and enhancement.

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